Managing mosquitoes and the socio-ecological value of wetlands for wellbeing

The Hide & Seek Project seeks to uncover stories which exist in our wetlands and believes that by sharing and creating narratives we can better understand our relationship with the natural world. Using bird hides as creative and reflective spaces, since they are ideally designed and situated for the contemplation of wildlife and the environment, we are collaborating with Natural England to invite wetland visitors to consider the interconnection of nature and narrative.

Located on the Avalon Marshes on the Somerset Levels, our Creativity and Memory Hides contain folk stories, book recommendations, poetry and creative writing prompts to kindle engagement. To contribute to our storytelling network, simply visit a hide, pick up a postcard and share any of the following inspired by the local landscape:

hideseeklogo timber
  • Short stories, poems or drawings
  • Memories
  • Folk tales, myths or legends
  • Local traditions, superstitions or customs
  • Fiction and non-fiction recommendations

Your contributions will form part of our Hide & Seek repository to be shared with other wetland visitors.

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Where are the Creativity and Memory Hides located?

Hide & Seek story corners are located in the Decoy Hide and Meare Heath Hide, where you can find book recommendations, creative writing prompts, folk stories and poetry. The 'Creativity Hide' is located in the Decoy Hide and the 'Memory Hide' in the Meare Heath Hide on the Avalon Marshes. you can download the map here.

Hide Seek Map
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